Principal's message
On behalf of our school I welcome you to Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Launceston. Sacred Heart is a two-stream school with straight classes from Kindergarten to Grade 6, with just over 450 students.
Our School is highly respected and recognised as a positive, pastoral and positive learning community. Our Staff are enthusiastic, highly dedicated and committed to the spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual and social needs of our students learning. We help our students to feel secure and experience success so they learn to view themselves as valued members of a community regardless of their level of ability.
At Sacred Heart we are continuing to find ways to diversify our curriculum and learning experiences to the needs of the students in our school. The social, mental and emotional wellbeing of our students is a fundamental priority for S.H.C.S. We commit to have a Wellbeing focus in each class on a weekly basis. Circle Time, MJR ( Making Jesus Real), MyTern (Taking Emotional Responsibility Now), Buddies and Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) are strategies and programs to support the wellbeing of our students.
We provide learning opportunities for Student Leadership, specialist Art, Health, P.E., I.C.T. and Music lessons. We have a Band Instrument Program from Grade 3 as an additional option for students to participate in. Circle Time, Perceptual Motor and Swimming programs, Camps, Community projects
Information Computer Technology plays a significant part in the life of our school and this will continue to be the case in the future.
We focus on developing people not just students to become active, faith filled and responsible citizens.
We value and support partnerships with parents/carers in the day to day education of their children, and believe that this should be founded on a spirit of mutual respect, cooperation, communication and involvement.
Please feel free to explore our website and contact the school for further information or to arrange a tour of the facilities so you can experience our school and its climate first hand.
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